Monday, 17 June 2013

Even the Military Are Not Exempt From Safety Awareness

When people think of safety issues, they rarely have the military in mind. Most mainly focus on manufacturing companies or factories because they are the ones with the most obvious safety issues. Although this may be true to some extent, all other places of work that contain human subjects fall under safety legislation and therefore the military is no exception. By military, people may take it to mean only the men and women in uniform but it includes everybody and anybody who works within the military jurisdiction. Like every other facet of work, safety management services have identified specific safety issues that are unique to the military services only. This makes it important for all military personnel to pursue safety training or refresher training whenever the opportunity presents itself.

The training that is pertinent to military personnel usually covers some military-specific areas and also other related areas where military expertise is called upon to intervene. These include; the unique role and duties of a site safety and health officer, construction safety, emergency response, onsite OSHA safety training for personnel, fall protection, excavation safety, rigging and cranes and activity hazard analysis development. Although military personnel are usually very well trained in safety matters to do with their job, it is still imperative that they expand this safety training to include knowledge that may not seem directly related to their everyday duties but can turn a military professional into a well-rounded officer in terms of safety and health in their workplace.

As we all know military expertise is usually called upon to handle matters to do with construction in the area of roads or buildings. This type of work can be completely unrelated to the everyday work that most people expect of military personnel. Construction work has its attendant challenges and training in this area is vital for ensuring that construction-related accidents are kept to a minimum. This training is also completed by fall protection training because most construction work takes place high above the ground. Statistics show that the rates of accidental falls can be significantly reduced when participants are trained properly. Construction equipment like rigging or cranes must be handled with due care and training on this special heavy duty equipment can help save lives and keep the work place accident-free.

Also related to construction is excavation safety. This kind of training is very important for personnel called upon to work in confined spaces like the underground. Since it is a well known fact that sometimes the military handle hazardous material, training in how to assess and handle hazardous situations helps reduce the damaging effects of panic or anxiety. Furthermore, training in emergency response measures can never be enough no matter the setting and it is always wise to refresh the memory because a person never knows when they will be faced with an emergency. Over and above military duties, a military site safety officer is trained on enforcing the safety and health statutory requirements for their line of work.

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